CPR and AED Certification Course in San Diego


Prepare for Critical Situations with Confidence

If you want to become proficient in lifesaving skills like CPR and AED usage, Exos Dive in San Diego offers a comprehensive certification course. This course is designed for diving enthusiasts and anyone interested in acquiring these crucial skills.

Why Choose Exos Dive for Your Training?

  • State-of-the-Art Equipment: We provide environmentally friendly rental equipment designed with the latest standards in mind.
  • Expert Instructors: Our highly trained staff, carefully selected and continuously evaluated, will guide you through the learning process.

Course Requirements

  • No Age or Prior Certification Required: This course is open to all interested individuals, regardless of age or prior certifications.

Course Outline

The CPR and AED course at Exos Dive is structured to provide you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills:

  1. Classroom Session: You’ll start with a quiz to assess your baseline knowledge, followed by comprehensive CPR and AED operation training.
  2. Hands-On Training: Learn to perform CPR effectively and become proficient in using an AED through guided practice sessions.

Advancing Your Emergency Response Skills

After completing this course, you may be interested in furthering your emergency response skills with classes like the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider.

Course Inclusions

  • Comprehensive Training: After completion, instructional fees, CPR & AED Manual, and a certification card.
  • Personal Mini First Aid Kit: A valuable addition to emergency response tools.

Additional Information

This course requires a minimum of 2 students to run. If this still needs to be met, alternate arrangements for private training may be provided.

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

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